Fast and Soothing Haemorrhoid Relief
How can it help?
For the treatment of haemorrhoids and other associated anorectal conditions such as anal fissures.
Directions for Use
- Remove the suppository from its packaging.
- Moisten the suppository by dipping it briefly in cool water.
- Put one foot on the side of the bath or toilet, raising the knee to the chest.
- Insert the suppository gently into the rectum (back passage).
- Try not to go to the toilet for at least one hour to allow the suppository time to work.
Always read the label and follow the directions for use.
Each suppository contains:
hydrocortisone 5mg, cinchocaine hydrochloride 5mg
Do not use it if the packaging is torn/damaged or shows signs of tampering.
Do not use for longer than 7 days unless advised by a doctor.
Do not use in children 12 years of age and under.